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- #1470
- @001 Enter the names of the general partners:
- @002 Enter the names of the limited partners:
- @147 Enter the state where formed:
- @148 Enter the name of the limited partnership:
- @815 Enter main business purpose of the partnership:
- @820 Enter the address of the principal place of business:
- @821 Enter the date when the partnership shall cease:
- @822 Enter the last date for capital contributions:
- #1471/#1472 The limited partners:
- are fully paid and may be called on to contribute further
- are not fully paid and may be called on to contribute further
- #if#1472
- @777 Enter maximum percentage of additional contribution:
- #endif
- #1473
- @823 State percentage of general partner's interest (numerals):
- @824 State percentage of limited partner's interest (numerals):
- @827/@827 The partnership's tax year will be:
- a calendar year
- #1474/#1475 Limited partners may:
- freely assign their interests
- only assign their interests with the permission of partners
- #1476
- #end control section
- #1470
- /* Para. 1470: Limited partnership agreement */
- @001, referred to as GENERAL PARTNERS, and @002, referred to as
- That they herewith form a limited partnership under the laws of
- the state of @147, under the name of @148.
- The purpose of the partnership is to engage in the business of
- @815 and to have all powers necessary or useful to engage in
- business described. Without limitation this shall include the
- power to own, sell or lease property.
- 3. The principal place of business shall be @820.
- 4. The partnership term begins on the date of this Agreement and
- shall continue until @821, when it shall dissolve under the terms
- of this Agreement.
- 5. Each partner has contributed, or will contribute by @822 the
- amount shown next to their signature to this Agreement.
- #1471
- /* Para. 1471: Further contributions not required */
- Limited partners shall not be required to contribute additional
- capital.
- #1472
- /* Para. 1472: Further contributions not required */
- Limited partners may be required to contribute additional
- capital. The amount of the same shall not be more than @777
- percent of their initial capital contributions. Said calls may be
- made by a vote of the majority of the general partners voting per
- capita.
- #1473
- /* Para.1473-- more stuff */
- Each partner shall have a capital account that includes invested
- capital plus that partner's allocations of net income, minus that
- partner's allocations of net loss and share of distributions.
- Net income and net loss shall be allocated as follows:
- a. @823 percent to the General Partner.
- b. @824 percent to the Limited Partners, according to their
- respective percentage ownerships interests.
- Except as otherwise expressed stated in this Agreement, the
- General Partner shall manage the partnership business and have
- exclusive control over the partnership business, including the
- power to sign deeds, notes, mortgages, deeds of trust, contracts,
- leases, and direction of business operations.
- The limited partners shall have all powers which may lawfully be
- granted to limited partners under the laws of the State of @147.
- Accounting
- The partnership's tax or fiscal year shall be @827. The General
- Partner shall make any tax election necessary for completion of
- the partnership tax return.
- #1474
- /* Para. 1474 Assignment */
- A limited partner may assign his or her rights to receive
- distributions, net income and net loss to any person without
- causing a dissolution of this partnership. No assignment will be
- effective until the general partner is notified in writing of the
- same.
- #1475
- /* Para. 1475: Non assignable units */
- Assignment
- No limited partners may assign, transfer, sell any interest in
- the partnership or any interest in partnership assets without the
- prior written approval of a majority of the partners voting by
- their respective capital contributions. Any assignment under
- this section which is approved by the general partners shall not
- cause the dissolution of the partnership.
- #1476
- /* Para 1476: Close */
- This agreement may only be amended by the written agreement of
- all Partners.
- This instrument contains the entire Agreement of the parties and
- any modifications shall be required to be in writing and signed
- by the parties affected by the modification, or who have the
- right to cause the change.
- Dated: ________________________________________
- Name & Address Capital Contribution Percentage Interest